Choose the Right Rug to Pair with Your Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors are beautiful, luxurious, and excellent at adding polish to a home. And while some may consider it a shame to cover them up with a rug, we say rugs add even more charm, plus coziness, personality, and a host of other benefits. But how do you find the right rug for your hardwood floors? Stay here and keep scrolling-we’ll fill you in on how to find your ideal style! Shop Now via GET FLAT 8% EXTRA CASHBACK This Cashback is Extra from RUGSUSA offers (This cashback can be transfer in PayPal Account) Why roll out a rug over hardwood floors? Call us biased: We’re always going to roll out a rug rather than leaving floors bare. But we promise-there are tons of benefits to adding a rug on top of your wood floors! Rugs add coziness and softness. Think about how nice it feels walking around on top of a cozy rug. And then think about how it feels walking on a bare hardwood floor. Sure, it’s fine-but a rug just feels s...